Page name: Toughest cat submissions [Logged in view] [RSS]
2005-11-11 17:44:58
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Toughest cat submissions

Competition ended. Vote on:

Toughest cat voting

Write a link to your CatHug house, inline the image and then a short description. Example:

Stina is trying to look cool.

Real submissions here:


Yayyyy! I'm first!
This is Soso in the "take another pic of me and die" mode and Switters supposed to be looking badass but eventually coming up as a really comical grimace:p

My cousins cat, Dusty...far from looking like the world's friendliest cat.

[angel from your nightmare]
It's my cat...Tiger...he dont look too happy

[Neon Pegasus]
<img:> <img:>
This is Georgie next to a Marylin Manson and an Ozzy picture... I really don't know how he did that face at the right moment! hihihi, many people have asked me to print this picture on T-shirts!

Hades...She's badass. ;)

[Mokuba Chichiri]
Choccy. Don't mess. Actually, more of an evil smirk, but still.
(I don't actually want this to be counted as a submission, 'cause I already have colors in my CH house, but I *had* to put this pic up) 

(That link only works for [Leon]! [Leon] has to upload the image to CatHug!)

Working in the garden is hard too and Leon and Rocky are good at it ;D

[*charlotte gurly*]
this is denis...he is cute...but deadly...and he may be asian...hoo-ya!

[Bengal Kitten]
Little Smurf trying to get my attention.

My cat trying, poorly, to stop me from going to CatHug

My cat being teased by my brother when it would want to sleep. Actually looks kinda scary...

The kitten stole the blanket of the dog (a dobermann pinscher)


This Is Missy. kinnda crazy. She was nice when i took this picture of her but she climbed up my leg when i was doing meatballs. NOT NICE KITTY!

This is my cat Dutches sittin on my comupter chair thinking hes "all that."


This Is wilma She may look nice but she is a meany she gets mad

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2005-09-26 [Cassandrart]: Yay! Me first!

2005-09-26 [Hedda]: [Cassandrart]: Whee! But it is a little cute though... ;-)

2005-09-26 [Cassandrart]: Believe me this cat is anything but cute. We have temporarily given her away because all she did for the last four months was get in the house bite you till you bled and then run out again! I'll try and find her eaiting my hand:p

2005-09-26 [Leara]: How many entries are we allowed?

2005-09-27 [Hedda]: Dusty look very mean! I would definitely ask him before patting him.

2005-09-27 [Hedda]: [Leara]: It depends on how good they are ;-) That is: It's up to you.

2005-09-27 [Cassandrart]: I put two. I might put another one up if I find the one that Soso eats my hand. [Leara] I thought Hades would be a favourite in this contest ;p closely followed by Soso :p (the meeeean cat!)

2005-09-27 [Hedda]: Georgie kicks ass! That will be hard to break!

2005-09-27 [Leara]: I asked about entries because I want to enter one of hades...but I'm debating between two images of her right now.

2005-09-27 [Cassandrart]: Yep, George rocks us all and I know he's not evil at all. He's the calmest cat I've ever heard of! Coolest thing: I'm gonna meet him some time in 2006! :D Leara, Hades' new pics are always appreciated ;)

2005-09-28 [Hell's Echo]: I would bye that T-shirt from you as soon as I get home I will add a pic of my cat Jetts

2005-09-28 [Cassandrart]: Haha It's not my cat. It's [Neon Pegasus]'s who's my koumpara! :p

2005-10-03 [Cassandrart]: Why is Cathug so silent lately?

2005-10-04 [Hedda]: We need more cat-images! ;-)

2005-10-04 [Cassandrart]: Hear! hear! I'm now officially pimping this contest1

2005-10-12 [girl with a broken heart]: i love the scary cat and i just am bord so good luck ;.)

2005-10-13 [Cassandrart]: Which scary cat?

2005-10-13 [Neon Pegasus]: hihihi! Georgie appreciates the fact that he is so loved. If he does get voted as the toughest cat he is sooo going to be bragging about it!

2005-10-14 [Hedda]: Denis looks like he's going to grow up to a killing-machine! ;-)

2005-10-14 [*charlotte gurly*]: lol...he is the 'claw machine' denis is fiesty...and hes just a baby! lol.. but doesn't he look like hes doing some kind of chinese thing?

2005-10-14 [Hedda]: It more looks like he's doing the "Argh-argh I'm a huge monster, be scared!"-thing ;-)

2005-10-14 [Cassandrart]: DENIS! He's my new official darling! i love him!

2005-10-16 [Hedda]: [Sekosen]: What a bad evil cat! I should ban him from here! ;-)

2005-10-17 [Sekosen]: Noo, he's really, really cute... =) Just not to my brother, he's the monster.

2005-10-17 [Sekosen]: Ohh, by the way... Was actually just ONE entry allowed? Don't hit me I did read the rules, I just got a bad memory... =S

2005-10-19 [Cassandrart]: I should find that badass picture of Switters! Sekosen I'll cry till I fall asleep lol

2005-10-20 [Sekosen]: Oh, why do everyone get afraid of such a sweet cat... =P Well, ok I wouldn't pet him either if he'd always lokked like that! Thank God he doesn't!

2005-10-23 [Neon Pegasus]: [Sekosen] i think your cat is really cute! How can anyone be afraid of that cute lil thing?

2005-10-23 [Neon Pegasus]: And Dennis! boy is he going to be a scary cat... already he looks like a little bruce lee:>

2005-10-25 [Hedda]: Only Dennis is really looking willing to pick a fight with Georgie...

2005-10-26 [Sekosen]: [Neon Pegasus] Just what I said. *Tries to look serious and then bursts out in a laugh*.

2005-10-27 [~!Sexy_Goth!~]: ohhh look at my cat[~!Sexy_Goth!~]

2005-10-29 [Cassandrart]: I tried to get a picture of Switters when he was biting my fingers but all I got is a pic of him looking really scared. Will post when I get home *laughs hysterically*

2005-11-02 [Neon Pegasus]: Dennis would probably scare the hell out of Georgie... Not so sure about Manson or Ozzy:P

2005-11-10 [Neon Pegasus]: so when do we start voting etc?

2005-11-11 [Hedda]: I will put up a voting tonight, unless I forget it. Last minute entries now! ;-)

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